
Silly Hairdo!

I don't know what it is lately but I've been seeing a record number of silly hairdos. Not that its uncommon to see an odd do' out on the street, its bound to happen ever once in a while... But more then that I've noted that I'm seeing some definite trends towards silly hairdos. I guess stuff like this only irks me because my hair is falling out, and I was particularly proud of my hair when I was younger. I personally don't think the Mohawk works for EVERYBODY, rather I think certain styles fit people better then others..
I guess I just think some of this stuff looks silly because in a few more years I won't even get to make a call on what the barber does to the hair on my head.. I'll just have to spend time on the beard after that...
Perhaps i'll try to capture some of them in drawings for future reference but, right now I'll share this drawing of a guy with a weird graphic hairstyle...

Lather, Rinse, Repeat...

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