
Misplaced posts and other things...

I'm sure we've all had instances where something of ours is lost..
It may be an object of great personal importance, or something of little relatively little value. However, what I'm thinking in the wake of yesterday's events is the fact that NOTHING is worse then the fact that "YOU don't KNOW where that thing (whatever it may be) has GONE".
It's a pretty overwhelming feeling. Yesterday morning's sheer panic at realizing the object I was looking for was "not where I'd left it" was followed by subsequent disappointment as I retraced my past few days and found, NOTHING. Nada, Zilch, Zip, Diddly Squat...Its gone. I suppose that is the outcome I should prepare myself for, rand simply move on. Even though there is a chance it will turn up in the coming days, right now I'm preparing for the worst....
Jeeze I don't like to loose my things...Its very frustrating...from a favorite pen, to a sketchbook, a personal keepsake, that twenty dollar bill in your pocket, a piece of artwork, or a flashdrive with some of your work on it. Loosing things can be a nerve bending, experience...
In closing, I'm not what you'd call an optimistic guy. This much is true. But I'll end this post by saying that MAYBE my lost item will turn up when I least expect it. And I'll sit there, breath a sigh of relief and curse myself anew for absentmindedly leaving my things about in strange places...

I think my weird cartoony Burt drawing agrees.

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