

MOJO-DOK from the universe of super evil. Fear HIM!
There have been a few interesting mash up Marvel villains over at March MODOK Madness this year. I'd been stuck on this idea for a while and found a bit of time to do this fun little image... I figured he'd be emerging from an energy portal with his hyper fraculating digital remote controller. Fit for blasting our minds with countless hours of shitty television programing...Maybe some Toddlers in Tiaras.... Heck even MODOK has a Tiara, but its build for delivering deadly Mindblasts! Take that couch potatoes he screams.

Well, with all that being said March MODOK Madness is about to wrap up for 2012. It's been a fun one, so if you wanna head over to MarchMODOKMadness you can check out the works from this year as well as scoping out the total works from the past 5 years... Very cool stuff there, and its worth a look. Also, visit my friend Brendan Tobin's BLOG. He does some of his awesome comics and comic inspired artwork. I also need to thank him for sharing another year of the MODOK MADNESS with me. He's just plain awesome.

Thanks for following the blog there at MMM, and also thanks for following me here at the Bears and Bears. I appreciate it...

Hope yah dig,

1 comment:

Liam said...

Love this guy, he kinda reminds of me Krang a little bit.