
Thursday Schmursday Scribbles...

Yesterdays little exercise felt good, and received a little bit of praise from art people that I like, So I figured I'd beat a dead horse today and trot out some more VERY minimal sketches (just the way I like them) with just a splash of candy coated color..

I personally enjoyed the ladies, the astrodude, and the weird Original tron style knock off guy. ooooh and the little deep sea diving fellow in the big brass helm..
Hope you dig...



Amy Rose said...

totally loving these sketches!! thanks for sharing!

Liam said...

Great stuff dude-a whiff of smurf about them with that colour choice, but thats pretty awesome too!


Thanks Amy and Liam...

Liam. Its kinda funny but saying "whiff of Smurf" sounds like a very strange drug reference... For reasons I cannot explain.. Further more I kinda see what your saying about the lower left corner..she looks kinda like a smurfette with some years on her, and a really mod hairdo and dye..

I'll try to keep rolling out the fun in the days and weeks to come..
Many thanks for the support...


Tooninator said...

the blue is very nice to look at