Hey All,
It's been a while. Just wanted to share this with you and say that I'm still drawing every day. Even though my regular posting has recently fallen off the wagon in a most spectacular fashion.
I still carry the clipboard and burn through printer paper.
I still dissect brown paper bags and cover them with marker and felt tip pen.
I've even started learning and practicing some new mixed media Illustration processes and have done some work for gallery shows. Like this one...
HELLBOY: Gremlins in the Gears. |
Color is a little closer to correct in the top image. I had better lighting. |
The work is hanging with a bunch of other amazing work over at Hero Complex Gallery, in Los Angeles. But, I'll share it out here for those who (like myself) had to miss the show completely.
Bit of a bummer, I hear that Mignola was there for the opening night festivities.
Hope you dig,