I liked where this sketch started out so I slapped a color treatment on it and even a snazzy circular crop job... With some DITHER!...
Just havin' fun.
Hope you dig,

I liked where this sketch started out so I slapped a color treatment on it and even a snazzy circular crop job... With some DITHER!...
Just havin' fun.
Hope you dig,
Here's a scribble of Isaac Newton from a Few months back...
Just never wrapped it up, before today.
With summer drawing to a close, the last few months seem like they're finally being internalized and dealt with. Mind you I've been drawing bunches, but without the same zeal for posting as I'd once had... I'll definitely get back to posting here in the coming months... Making a mini challenge of hitting One Thousand posts before years end..
But, even as I do this I'm thinking there should be something more. I've kicked around the idea of doing books and more shows for a while... Possibly getting into more published illustrative based work.
Lots for me to consider...
But, more then anything these days I feel the need to choose a course... and take it...
Hope you dig,